Sunday, August 15, 2010

Port Wants Military Shipments

Despite any potential reduction in troop levels, I remain strongly opposed to the use of the port for military shipments. This is because the truth, as I see it, is of a continuing imperialism by the USA—and imperialism is unacceptable to me.

In the following article by Matt Batcheldor, which discusses Port and City officials' positions on the potential for renewed military shipments through Olympia, Barner is quoted as being "opposed to the war" but in support of military personnel.

Real support for the soldiers and other working people in the military requires resistance, that is—concerted, assertive, and vigorous resistance—to the principle of aggression. —Berd

Plea for protest policy

Olympia: Board considers response, potential costs if activists show at port

MATT BATCHELDOR; Staff writer | • Published August 15, 2010

OLYMPIA – The Olympia City Council is studying how to respond if military shipments again are routed through the Port of Olympia, a possibility supported by port commissioners.

Friday, August 13, 2010

State v. Imani

Daniel Ellsberg
The jury returned a verdict of guilty. There's more information, and your can view the photo larger, on OlyBlog, here: State v. Imani, and on Peace is Possible, here: From Tacoma.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Wikileaks and Necessity Defense

[correction: Patty has informed me that Emma K. (Herrera) is not scheduled to be part of the trial.]

Members of Iraq Veterans Against the War are working to flesh out and give meaning to the stories massive dump of formerly secret US government documents that are now available at Wikileaks

This is interesting because:

The previously postponed Imani/Herrera trial, in which the defendants have been granted the ability to defend themselves based on the necessity of their actions, will resume this week in Tacoma;

And Daniel Ellsberg, who is famous for releasing the Pentagon Papers, is scheduled to be in town as a witness for the defense.

I just saw Patty today, who showed me a short blurb in a magazine (I don't which magazine, maybe Time,) with a photo of Ellsberg and a short statement that he wished the "Pentagon Papers" for Afghanistan would be released now—not 5 years or 30 years from now—but now. As in NOW!

Well, with the files that have been uploaded to wikileaks now available for all to see, we just might have our wish.

Good luck to the Imani/Herrera defense team in their trial this week.

Although it seems to me that they have already won. They were victorious when they stood up against the harmful establishment of US imperialism.

What this trial is really about are the immoral and illegal actions of the US Government. Go Imani/Herrera!